Mental Health Status and Its Influencing Factors Among Elderly Hypertension Patients from Rural Areas of Chuxiong and Honghe Prefecture in Yunnan
目的 了解云南农村老年高血压患者的心理健康状况,并探究其影响因素。 方法 采取多阶段随机抽样方法,在云南楚雄、红河州农村地区选取老年高血压患者,通过问卷调查收集其基本信息、心理健康状况等信息。采用多因素Logistic回归分析老年高血压患者心理健康的影响因素。 结果 云南楚雄、红河州21.82%(209/958)的高血压老年人心理健康状况差。年龄为80~89岁(OR = 2.395,P <0.05)和90岁以上(OR = 3.293,P <0.05)及身体残障(OR = 2.037,P <0.05)是老年高血压患者的心理健康差的危险因素;相较于自评经济状况非常困难,自评经济状况比较困难(OR = 0.490,P <0.05)、中等(OR = 0.632,P <0.05)和比较富裕(OR = 0.344,P <0.05),有配偶(OR = 0.655,P <0.05)、子女很关心(OR = 0.411,P <0.05)、子女关系比较好(OR = 0.339,P <0.05)是老年高血压患者的心理健康差的保护因素。 结论 云南楚雄、红河州农村高血压老人的心理健康状况较差;需要重点关注年龄较大的和有身体残障的老年高血压患者的心理健康,倡导子女对老年高血压患者的经济及心理支持对于改善云南楚雄、红河州农村地区老年高血压患者的心理健康状况尤为重要。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the mental health status and its influencing factors among elderly hypertensive patients from Rural Areas of Chuxiong and Honghe Prefecture in Yunnan. Methods Multi-stage random sampling method was adopted to select elderly hypertensive patients from rural Yi ethnic areas in Yunnan. Questionnaires were used to collect their basic information and mental health status. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to explore the influencing factors of mental health among the elderly hypertensives. Results 21.82%(209/958) of elderly people with hypertension have poor mental health status in Chuxiong and Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan. Age of 80-89 years(OR = 2.395, P < 0.05) and over 90 years( OR = 3.293, P < 0.05), as well as physical disability( OR = 2.037, P < 0.05), were risk factors for poor mental health. Compared with those who rated their economic situation as very difficult, rating as somewhat difficult( OR = 0.490, P < 0.05), moderate( OR = 0.632, P < 0.05) and relatively affluent( OR = 0.344, P < 0.05), having a spouse( OR = 0.655, P < 0.05), received full concern from the offspring( OR = 0.411, P < 0.05) and maintain good relationships with offspring( OR = 0.339, P < 0.05) were protective factors. Conclusions The mental health status of elderly people with hypertension is relatively poor in rural areas of Chuxiong and Honghe Prefecture in Yunnan Province. Special attention should be paid to the mental health of older and physically disabled elderly hypertensives. Economic and mental support from children was crucially important in improving the mental health of elderly hypertensive patients in rural areas of Chuxiong and Honghe Prefecture in Yunnan Province. -
Key words:
- Rural areas /
- Elderly hypertensive /
- Mental health /
- Concern from the offspring
表 1 云南楚雄、红河州农村老年高血压患者心理健康的差异性分析[n(%)](1)
Table 1. Differences in psychological health of elderly hypertensive patients in rural areas of Chuxiong and Honghe Prefecture,Yunnan Province n(%)](1)
特征 整体(n = 958) 心理健康 χ2/Z P 差(n = 749) 好(n = 209) 性别 0.437 0.508 男 418 (43.63) 331 (44.19) 87 (41.63) 女 540 (56.37) 418 (55.81) 122 (58.37) 年龄(岁) 27.780 < 0.001 * 60~69 367 (38.31) 305 (40.72) 62 (29.67) 70~79 384 (40.08) 309 (41.26) 75 (35.89) 80~89 181 (18.89) 120 (16.02) 61 (29.19) 90及以上 26 (2.71) 15 (2.00) 11 (5.26) 民族 2.276 0.131 汉族 584 (60.96) 118 (20.21) 466 (79.79) 彝族 374 (39.04) 91 (24.33) 283 (75.67) 读书 2.447 0.118 是 426 (44.47) 343 (45.79) 83 (39.71) 否 532 (55.53) 406 (54.21) 126 (60.29) 婚姻 7.228 0.007* 有伴侣 590 (61.59) 478 (63.82) 112 (53.59) 无伴侣 368 (38.41) 271 (36.18) 97 (46.41) 退休金 4.518 0.034* 有 119 (12.42) 102 (13.62) 17 (8.13) 无 839 (87.58) 647 (86.38) 192 (91.87) 经济自评 18.791 < 0.001 * 非常困难 176 (18.37) 117 (15.62) 59 (28.23) 比较困难 239 (24.95) 194 (25.90) 45 (21.53) 中等水平 495 (51.67) 396 (52.87) 99 (47.37) 比较富裕 48 (5.01) 42 (5.61) 6 (2.87) *P < 0.05。 表 1 云南楚雄、红河州农村老年高血压患者心理健康的差异性分析[n(%)](2)
Table 1. Differences in psychological health of elderly hypertensive patients in rural areas of Chuxiong and Honghe Prefecture,Yunnan Province [n(%)](2)
特征 整体(n = 958) 心理健康 χ2/Z P 差(n = 749) 好(n = 209) 吸烟 0.601 0.438 是 118 (12.32) 89 (11.88) 29 (13.88) 否 840 (87.68) 660 (88.12) 180 (86.12) 饮酒 1.804 0.179 是 63 (6.58) 45 (6.01) 18 (8.61) 否 895 (93.42) 704 (93.99) 191 (91.39) 两周是否看病 0.074 0.785 是 648 (67.64) 505 (67.42) 143 (68.42) 否 310 (32.36) 244 (32.58) 66 (31.58) 身体残障 19.391 < 0.001 * 是 153 (15.97) 99 (13.22) 54 (25.84) 否 805 (84.03) 650 (86.78) 155 (74.16) 其他慢病 6.175 0.013* 有 696 (72.65) 530 (70.76) 166 (79.43) 无 262 (27.35) 219 (29.24) 43 (20.57) 子女关心程度 22.816 < 0.001 * 不关心 95 (9.92) 62 (8.28) 33 (15.79) 一般 167 (17.43) 116 (15.49) 51 (24.40) 很关心 696 (72.65) 571 (76.23) 125 (59.81) 与子女关系 20.237 < 0.001 * 比较差 54 (5.64) 32 (4.27) 22 (10.52) 一般 153 (15.97) 108 (14.42) 45 (21.53) 比较好 751 (78.39) 609(81.31) 142 (67.95) 与子女同住 0.395 0.530 是 762 (79.54) 599 (79.97) 163 (77.99) 否 196 (20.46) 150 (20.03) 46 (22.01) *P < 0.05。 表 2 云南楚雄、红河州农村老年高血压患者心理健康状况的多因素Logistic分析
Table 2. Multivariate logistic analysis of the mental health status of elderly hypertensive patients in Rural areas of Chuxiong and Honghe Prefecture,Yunnan
因素 B SE Wald P OR 95%CI 年龄分组(以60~69岁为参照) 70~79 0.099 0.194 0.264 0.607 1.105 0.756~1.614 80~89 0.873 0.215 16.487 < 0.001 * 2.395 1.571~3.650 90及以上 1.192 0.438 7.409 0.006* 3.293 1.396~7.769 婚姻(以无配偶为参照) −0.424 0.158 7.175 0.007* 0.655 0.480~0.893 退休金(以无为参照) −0.415 0.281 2.173 0.14 0.66 0.380~0.738 自评经济状况(以非常困难为参照) 比较困难 −0.713 0.238 9.017 0.003* 0.490 0.308~0.781 中等水平 −0.459 0.205 4.999 0.025* 0.632 0.423~0.945 比较富裕 −1.066 0.475 5.033 0.025* 0.344 0.136~0.874 身体残障(以否为参照) 0.711 0.202 12.358 < 0.001 * 2.037 1.370~3.029 其他慢病(以无为参照) 0.375 0.198 3.594 0.058 1.454 0.987~2.142 子女关心程度(以不关心为参照) 一般 −0.191 0.273 0.489 0.484 0.826 0.484~1.411 很关心 −0.888 0.237 14.049 < 0.001 * 0.411 0.258~0.655 子女关系(以比较差为参照) 一般 −0.501 0.329 2.318 0.128 0.606 0.318~1.155 比较好 −1.081 0.292 13.693 < 0.001 * 0.339 0.191~0.601 *P < 0.05。 -
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