Survival Analysis of 1635 Patients with Esophageal Cancer: A Single-Center Retrospective Study
目的 对 1635 例食管癌(esophageal cancer,EC)患者进行跟踪随访调查,分析食管癌患者的生存预后状况。方法 收集2012年1月1日至2017年12月31日在云南省肿瘤医院就诊的 1635 例EC住院患者资料,采用主动和被动相结合的方式了解患者生存状况,使用Kaplan-Meier法分析1 a、3 a和5 a生存率及中位生存时间。结果 1635 例EC患者的中位生存时间为11.60个月,1 a、3 a、5 a生存率分别为48.80%、20.58%和15.11%。单因素分析显示,女性EC患者的5 a生存率相较男性EC患者高(P = 0.011),随着确诊年龄的增加,EC患者的5 a存率呈下降趋势(P = 0.008),食管腹段的EC患者5 a生存率要比食管颈段和胸段的高(P < 0.001)。结论 性别、确诊年龄、解剖位置、临床分期以及分化程度与EC患者生存预后的密切相关。通过开展EC早期筛查和和规范化治疗,推动医防协同发展,是未来降低我国EC疾病负担的重要举措。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the survival and prognosis of 1635 patients with esophageal cancer.Methods Data of 1635 hospitalized patients with esophageal cancer treated at Yunnan Cancer Hospital from January 1st, 2012, to December 31st, 2017, were collected. The survival status of the patients was assessed using a combination of active and passive methods, and Kaplan-Meier method was employed to analyze the 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year survival rates as well as median survival time.Results The median survival time of the 1635 patients with esophageal cancer was 11.60 months, with 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year survival rates of 48.80%, 20.58%, and 15.11% respectively. Single-factor analysis showed that the 5-year survival rate of female patients is higher than that of male patients. As the age at diagnosis increases, the 5-year survival rate showed a decreasing trend(P = 0.008), and the 5-year survival rate in the esophageal abdominal segment was higher than that in the esophageal cervical segment and thoracic segment (P < 0.001).Conclusion Gender, age at diagnosis, anatomical location, clinical stage, and differentiation degree are closely related to the prognosis of esophageal cancer patients. Early screening and standardized treatment of esophageal cancer, as well as promoting coordinated development of medical care and prevention, are important measures to reduce the burden of esophageal cancer in China. -
Key words:
- Esophageal cancer /
- Survival analysis /
- Hospital-based registry /
- Follow-up /
- Yunnan
表 1
1635 例EC患者临床特征[n(%)]Table 1. Clinical characteristics of the
1635 esophageal cancer patients [n(%)]项目 病例数 死亡患者 合计总数 1635 (100.00)1288 (100.00)性别 男 1556 (95.17)1231 (95.57)女 79(4.83) 57(4.43) 民族 汉族 1291 (78.96)1023 (79.43)少数民族 344(21.04) 265(20.57) 年龄(岁) <45 80(4.89) 51(3.96) 45~60 652(39.88) 494(38.35) 60~75 805(49.24) 657(51.01) >75 98(5.99) 86(6.68) 婚姻状况 已婚 1570 (96.02)1235 (95.89)未婚或其他 65(3.98) 53(4.11) 解剖位置 颈段 170(10.40) 131(10.17) 胸段 687(42.02) 559(43.40) 腹段 426(26.06) 318(24.69) 不详 352(21.53) 280(21.74) 临床分期 I期 56(3.43) 24(1.86) II期 215(13.15) 149(11.57) III期 494(30.21) 402(31.21) IV期 193(11.80) 174(13.51) 不详 677(41.41) 539(41.85) 病理类型 鳞状细胞 1284 (78.53)1033 (77.87)腺细胞 63(3.85) 53(4.11) 其他或不详 288(17.61) 232(18.01) 分化程度 高分化 24(1.47) 19(1.48) 中分化 201(12.29) 157(12.19) 低分化 72(4.40) 55(4.27) 不详 1338 (81.83)1057 (82.07)表 2
1635 例EC患者的总生存率和中位生存时间(月)Table 2. Overall survival rate and median survival time of the
1635 esophageal cancer patients(month)分组 总体生存时间(%,95%CI) 中位生存时间(95%CI) P 1 a 3 a 5 a 所有患者 48.80(46.31,51.29) 20.58(18.48,22.68) 15.11(13.17,17.05) 11.60(10.69,12.51) 性别 男 48.04(45.51,50.57) 20.04( 17.9036 ,22.1764 )14.62(12.66,16.58) 11.33(10.41,12.26) 0.011* 女 59.37(48.51,70.23) 29.03( 18.5832 ,39.4768 )24.08(14.03,34.13) 17.23(13.20,21.26) 民族 汉族 48.96(46.18,51.74) 21.33(18.96,23.70) 15.56(13.38,17.74) 11.77(10.79,12.74) 0.209 少数民族 47.22(41.77,52.67) 17.15(12.72,21.58) 14.04(9.75,18.33) 10.63(8.28,12.99) 年龄(岁) <45 56.58(45.39,67.77) 30.55(18.99,42.11) 27.16(15.11,39.21) 16.40(12.52,20.28) 0.008* 45~60 50.28(46.30,54.26) 22.01(18.54,25.48) 16.06(12.85,19.27) 12.17(10.63,13.71) 60~75 49.93(46.42,53.44) 19.46(16.60,22.32) 14.57(11.94,17.20) 11.23(9.93,12.54) >75 39.26(29.42,49.10) 11.91(4.91,18.91) 5.36(—) 10.17(6.65,13.68) 婚姻状况 已婚 48.44(45.91,50.97) 20.69(18.53,22.85) 15.32(13.34,17.30) 11.53(10.54,12.52) 0.803 未婚及其他 51.08(38.56,63.60) 17.98(8.28,27.68) 10.27(1.67,18.87) 12.43(9.86,15.01) 解剖位置 颈段 43.85(36.17,51.53) 18.32(11.87,24.77) 13.34(7.30,19.38) 10.10(6.95,13.25) <0.001* 胸段 47.43(43.61,51.25) 17.99(14.91,21.07) 13.36(10.52,16.20) 11.17(9.80,12.54) 腹段 58.78(54.04,63.52) 26.98(22.51,31.45) 20.40(16.19,24.61) 15.53(13.49,17.57) 不详 40.91(35.60,46.22) 18.10(13.75,22.45) 12.88(8.96,16.80) 9.20(7.54,10.86) 临床分期 I期 88.97(80.66,97.28) 65.39(51.92,78.85) 53.29(38.71,67.87) 66.87(—) <0.001* II期 70.55(64.38,76.72) 33.29(26.67,39.91) 26.88(20.31,33.45) 21.90(18.44,25.36) III期 55.18(50.69,59.67) 18.05(14.38,21.72) 11.68(8.49,14.87) 12.43(10.91,13.96) IV期 26.29(19.80,32.78) 5.98(2.41,9.55) 2.39(0.08,4.70) 5.30(4.44,6.16) 不详 42.2(38.38,46.02) 17.99(14.87,21.11) 13.81(10.89,16.73) 9.77(8.57,10.96) 病理类型 鳞状细胞 48.97(46.17,51.77) 20.63(18.26,23.00) 15.98(13.75,18.21) 11.67(10.65,12.68) 0.488 腺细胞 46.88(34.43,59.33) 12.81(3.68,21.94) 8.00(0.18,15.82) 10.77(8.04,13.50) 其他或不详 47.70(41.82,53.58) 20.96(15.98,25.94) 13.45(9.10,17.80) 11.23(10.69,12.51) 分化程度 高分化 43.65(23.36,63.94) 26.19(8.20,44.18) 17.46(1.92,33.00) 11.70(6.40,17.00) 0.012* 中分化 60.14(53.26,67.02) 26.42(20.05,32.79) 19.95(14.01,25.89) 17.03(14.13,19.94) 低分化 55.04(43.26,66.82) 22.63(12.20,33.06) 17.02(7.40,26.64) 13.97(9.26,18.68) 未分化或不详 46.59(43.85,49.33) 19.48(17.19,21.77) 14.25(12.13,16.37) 10.93(9.96,11.91) *P < 0.05。 -
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