The Clinical Features and Antibiotic Selection in Children with Acute Leukemia Complicated by Bloodstream Infections from Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria
目的 探讨急性白血病患儿合并多重耐药菌(multiple resistant bacteria,MDR)血流感染的临床特征、独立危险因素及抗菌药物选择。 方法 回顾性分析2015年1月至2023年12月昆明市儿童医院收治的101例合并细菌血流感染的急性白血病患儿。根据血培养结果,将符合MDR、泛耐药及全耐药标准的患儿纳入多重耐药组(n = 47例),其余纳入非多重耐药组(n = 54例),记录2组临床特征、实验室指标及抗菌药物选择情况,并分析影响MDR感染的危险因素。 结果 MDR组急性髓系白血病(acute myeloid leukemia,AML)比例、诱导缓解化疗前粒细胞缺乏时间≥7 d的比例均高于非MDR组,MDR组发热前血红蛋白(hemoglobin,Hb)和血小板(platelet,PLT)水平均低于非MDR组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);急性髓系白血病、诱导缓解化疗、发热前粒细胞缺乏时间≥7 d,感染前Hb< 79 g/L及感染前PLT < 20×109/L均为MDR感染的独立危险因素(P < 0.05);病原学分析表明,革兰阴性菌为主要致病菌,耐药率高,但对碳青霉烯类、替加环素敏感;革兰阳性菌对特定抗菌药敏感,而对红霉素高度耐药;MDR组降钙素原(procalcitonin,PCT)、C反应蛋白(C-reactive protein,CRP)水平均高于非MDR组,且MDR组转入ICU的比例较高,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 急性髓系白血病、诱导缓解化疗、发热前粒细胞缺乏时间≥7 d、血红蛋白<70 g/L、PLT < 20×109/L均为儿童MDR血流感染的独立危险因素,影响预后,大肠埃希菌为主要耐药菌,MDR感染患儿表现PCT和CRP水平升高,痊愈率低;因此,针对高危因素需采取有效预防措施,并根据药敏结果及时调整治疗方案,提高疗效。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical features, independent risk factors, and antibiotic selection in children with acute leukemia complicated by multidrug-resistant (multiple resistant bacteria, MDR) bloodstream infections. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on 101 children with acute leukemia complicated by bacterial bloodstream infections and treated at Kunming Children's Hospital from January 2015 to December 2023. Based on blood culture results, patients meeting the criteria for multidrug-resistant (MDR), extensively drug-resistant (XDR), and pandrug-resistant (PDR) were included in the multidrug-resistant group (n = 47), while the remaining patients were included in the non-multidrug-resistant group (n = 54). Clinical features, laboratory indicators, and antibiotic selection were recorded for both groups, and the risk factors influencing MDR infections were analyzed. Results The proportion of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and the percentage of patients with neutropenia lasting≥7 days before the induction chemotherapy were both higher in the MDR group compared to the non-MDR group. Additionally, the levels of hemoglobin (Hb) and platelets (PLT) before fever in the MDR group were lower than those in the non-MDR group, and there was statistically significant difference (P < 0.05).The results indicated that acute myeloid leukemia, neutropenia lasting≥7 days before induction chemotherapy, Hb < 79 g/L before and after the infection, and PLT < 20×109/L before the infection were independent risk factors for MDR infections (P < 0.05). Microbiological analysis showed that Gram-negative bacteria were the primary pathogens, with a high resistance rate but sensitivity to carbapenems. Gram-positive bacteria were sensitive to specific antibiotics but showed high resistance to erythromycin. Furthermore, the levels of procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in the MDR group were higher than those in the non-MDR group, and the proportion of patients transferred to the ICU was significantly higher in the MDR group (P < 0.05). Conclusion Acute myeloid leukemia, neutropenia lasting≥7 days before the induction chemotherapy, hemoglobin < 70 g/L, and PLT < 20×109/L are independent risk factors for multidrug-resistant (MDR) bloodstream infections in children and the factors affecting the prognosis. Escherichia coli is identified as the primary resistant pathogen. Children with MDR infections exhibited the elevated levels of procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP), along with a low recovery rate. Therefore, effective preventive measures should be implemented for high-risk factors, and treatment plans should be promptly adjusted based on antibiotic susceptibility results to improve the efficacy. -
表 1 2组一般资料比较[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)]
Table 1. Comparison of general information between two groups[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)]
组别 性别 平均年龄(岁) 平均体重(kg) 男 女 MDR组(n=47) 28(59.57) 19(40.43) 7.5±2.11 22.4±5.1 非MDR组(n=54) 30(55.56) 24(44.44) 6.9±2.02 20.9±4.8 χ2/t 0.027 1.455 1.515 P 1.002 0.157 0.130 表 2 2组儿童临床特征分析[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)]
Table 2. Analysis of clinical characteristics of children in two groups[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)]
组别 白血病类型 诱导缓解化疗 发热前粒细胞缺乏时间 发热前
(×209/L)ALL AML ≥7 d <7 d MDR组(n=47) 32(68.09) 15(31.91) 29(61.70) 26(55.32) 21(44.68) 64.09±9.24 17.72±5.36 非MDR组(n=54) 46(85.19) 8(14.81) 16(29.63) 12(22.22) 42(77.78) 67.46±9.83 28.13±6.58 χ2/t 4.352 4.0451 5.618 10.075 5.400 1.764 7.178 P 0.035* 0.044* 0.001* 0.001* 0.029* 0.004* 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 自变量赋值、参考类别及纳入标准
Table 3. Variable assignments,reference categories,and inclusion criteria
变量名称 变量赋值 参考类别 纳入标准 急性髓系白血病 1/0 非急性髓系白血病患者
(如骨髓细胞学、免疫表型等)诱导缓解化疗 1/0 未接受诱导缓解化疗患者
7 d1/0 发热前粒细胞缺乏时间
<7 d(赋值=0)在研究期间内发热前有粒细胞缺乏(如绝对中性粒细胞计数
< 0.5 × 109/L)的患儿,记录发热开始前的粒细胞缺乏持续时间感染前Hb< 79 g/L 1/0 感染前后Hb≥79 g/L
可得且未接受输血的情况下纳入分析感染前PLT < 20×109/L 1/0 感染前PLT ≥ 20×109/L
PLT在感染前24 h内测定表 4 白血病儿童MDR感染独立危险因素分析
Table 4. Multi-factor analysis of MDR infection in children with leukemia
变量 P OR 95%CI 急性髓系白血病 0.035* 3.114 2.326~6.112 诱导缓解化疗 0.041* 2.574 1.847~4.483 发热前粒细胞缺乏时间≥7 d 0.008* 3.087 2.215~5.594 感染前Hb< 79 g/L 0.037* 2.894 2.113~4.452 感染前PLT < 20×109/L 0.042* 1.935 1.214~4.291 *P < 0.05。 表 5 MDR多重耐药阴性菌耐药率分析[n(%)]
Table 5. Analysis of drug resistance rate of MDR multi-drug resistant negative bacteria [n(%)]
抗菌药物 大肠埃希菌
(n=2)庆大霉素 10(47.63) 2(66.67) 0(0.00) 1(50.00) 四环素 17(80.95) 3(100.00) 6(85.71) 1(50.00) 阿莫西林/克拉维酸 5(23.81) 0(0.00) 7(100.00) 2(100.00) 复方新诺明 20(95.24) 3(100.00) 7(100.00) 1(50.00) 头孢他啶 7(33.33) 1(33.33) 0(0.00) 2(100.00) 头孢吡肟 8(38.10) 1(33.33) 1(14.29) 1(50.00) 头孢曲松 18(85.71) 2(66.67) 7(100.00) 2(100.00) 头孢唑啉 14(66.67) 2(66.67) 6(85.71) 1(50.00) 环丙沙星 13(61.90) 2(66.67) 0(0.00) 1(50.00) 哌拉西林 16(76.19) 2(66.67) 1(14.29) 2(100.00) 氨曲南 9(42.86) 1(33.33) 0(0.00) 1(50.00) 厄他培南 2(9.52) 0(0.00) 6(85.71) 1(50.00) 亚胺培南 2(9.52) 1(33.33) 1(14.29) 1(50.00) 阿米卡星 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 左氧氟沙星 17(80.95) 1(33.33) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 美罗培南 2(9.52) 0(0.00) 1(14.29) 0(0.00) 氨苄西林 17(80.95) 3(100.00) 6(85.71) 0(0.00) 头孢呋辛 4(19.05) 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 1(50.00) 替加环素 0(0.00) 0(0.00) 1(14.29) 0(0.00) 表 6 2组临床特性及转归分析[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)]
Table 6. Comparison of clinical indicators and treatment outcomes between the two groups[n(%)/($\bar x \pm s $)]
分组 炎性指标 转进ICU 转归 PCT(μg/L) CRP(mg/L) 是 否 死亡/自动出院 痊愈 MDR组(n=47) 3.17±0.42 139.79±12.25 12(25.53) 35(74.47) 6(10.91) 41(89.09) 非MDR组(n=54) 1.48±0.25 67.18±6.73 5(9.26) 49(90.74) 0(0.00) 54(100.00) χ2/t 5.326 20.295 4.388 7.344 P 0.001* 0.001* 0.031* 0.007* *P < 0.05。 -
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