Prevalence of Asthma in Rural Residents of Yunnan Province and Social Demographic and Life Behaviorial Risk Factors
目的 分析云南省农村居民支气管哮喘(以下简称哮喘)的患病现状及社会人口学和生活行为影响因素。 方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法抽取云南农村地区7 572名≥35岁农村居民进行现场问卷调查,采用结构方程模型(structural equation model,SEM)分析哮喘患病的相关影响因素。 结果 云南省农村居民的哮喘患病率为1.61%,其中男性的患病率高于女性(1.98%和1.25% ,χ2 = 6.308,P = 0.012),且呈现随年龄的增加而升高的趋势(χ2趋势 = 65.558,P < 0.001)。SEM分析结果显示,吸烟者、被动吸烟者、有哮喘家族史者、男性、少数民族和住房类型为石头土坯者患哮喘的风险增高;其中对哮喘患病直接影响作用最大的是吸烟,其标准化路径系数为0.15;其他影响因素作用大小依次为有哮喘家族史(0.13)、年龄(0.09)、被动吸烟(0.08)、性别(0.06)、民族(0.03)和住房类型(-0.02)。 结论 云南省农村居民的哮喘的患病率较高,社会人口学和生活行为因素均对哮喘的患病有影响。应加强对男性、高龄、有哮喘家族史人群的健康管理,改善住房条件较差人群的居住环境,并加大控烟工作力度,以降低哮喘的发生。 Abstract:Objective To analyze the prevalence of asthma and socioeconomic and lifestyle risk factors in rural areas of Yunnan Province. Methods A total of 7572 rural residents aged ≥35 years in Yunnan Province were selected by multi-stage stratified random sampling method, each participant received an on-site questionnaire survey. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the related influencing factors of asthma. Results The overall prevalence of asthma was 1.61% in rural areas of Yunnan Province. Males had a higher prevalence of asthma than females (1.98% and 1.25%, χ2 = 6.308, P = 0.012), and prevalence of asthma increased with age (χ2 = 65.558, P < 0.001). The results of SEM analysis showed that smokers, passive smokers, family history of asthma, male, ethnic minority groups and living in stone adobe houses had a higher risk of developing asthma than their counterparts. Specifically, smoking had the greatest direct impact on the prevalence of asthma, which the standardized regression coefficient was 0.15, followed by family history of asthma, age, passive smoking, gender, ethnicity and housing type, with the standardized regression coefficient of 0.13, 0.09, 0.08, 0.06, 0.03 and -0.02, respectively. Conclusion The prevalence of asthma is high in rural Yunnan province. Both socioeconomic and lifestyle factors have impact on the prevalence of asthma. Future health management strategies should more focus on males, elderly people, improving the living environment for residents with poor housing conditions, and increasing efforts of tobacco control, so as to reduce the incidence of asthma. -
Key words:
- Asthma /
- Prevalence /
- Structural equation modelling /
- Influencing factors
表 1 云南农村不同特征人群哮喘的患病情况[n(%)]
Table 1. Prevalence of asthma among rural residents in Yunnan Province,according to socioeconomic and lifestyle factors [n(%)]
特征 调查人数(n) 哮喘 χ2 P 性别 男 3739 74(1.98) 6.308 0.012* 女 3833 48(1.25) 年龄组(岁) 35~ 1256 6(0.48) 74.972 < 0.001* 45~ 1905 11(0.58) 55~ 1856 25(1.35) 65~ 1670 41(2.46) 民族 汉族 4124 52(1.26) 7.010 0.008* 少数民族 3448 70(2.03) 文化程度 小学及以下 4952 75(1.51) 0.843 0.358 初中及以上 2620 47(1.79) 人均年收入(元) < 6700 3844 62(1.61) 0.000 0.990 ≥6700 3728 60(1.61) 医疗服务可及性 好 5138 85(1.65) 0.188 0.665 差 2434 37(1.52) 住房类型 石头土坯 1025 26(2.53) 6.404 0.011* 砖木砖混 6547 96(1.47) 哮喘家族史 是 94 15(15.96) 123.576 < 0.001* 否 7478 107(1.43) 吸烟 是 2855 85(2.98) 53.948 < 0.001* 否 4717 37(0.78) 被动吸烟 是 1463 49(3.35) 34.557 < 0.001* 否 6109 73(1.19) 合计 7572 122(1.61) *P < 0.05。 表 2 云南省农村居民哮喘患病影响因素的结构方程模型的拟合指数
Table 2. Goodness-of-fit index of the structural equation model for associated factors of asthma in rural yunnan province
统计检验量 适配标准或临界值 初始模型 最终模型 绝对适配度指数 GFI > 0.90 0.986 0.998 AGFI > 0.90 0.977 0.995 RMSEA < 0.08(适配合理)
< 0.05(适配良好)0.044 0.020 RMR < 0.05 0.015 0.005 增值适配度指数 NFI > 0.90 0.923 0.992 RFI > 0.90 0.894 0.985 IFI > 0.90 0.928 0.994 TLI > 0.90 0.901 0.989 CFI > 0.90 0.928 0.994 简约适配度指数 CN值 > 200 683 3177 PNFI值 > 0.50 0.671 0.531 CAIC值 理论模型小于独立模型,且小于饱和模型 不符合 符合 表 3 各变量对哮喘患病的作用路径及路径系数
Table 3. Effect and coefficient of variables on asthma
测量变量 作用路径 标准化路径系数 P 性别 性别→哮喘 0.06 < 0.001* 年龄 年龄→哮喘 0.09 < 0.001* 民族 社会人口学特征→哮喘 0.03 < 0.001* 住房类型 社会人口学特征→哮喘 −0.02 < 0.001* 社会人口学特征→哮喘 −0.06 0.010* 哮喘家族史 哮喘家族史→哮喘 0.13 < 0.001* 吸烟 吸烟→哮喘 0.15 < 0.001* 被动吸烟 被动吸烟→哮喘 0.08 < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 -
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