Effects of Tactile/Motor Stimulation Massage on Feeding Outcomes and Neuromotor Development in Preterm Infants
目的 观察触觉/运动刺激按摩对早产儿喂养效果、神经及运动发育水平的影响。 方法 选取云南省第三人民医院新生儿科重症监护病房2024年1月至2024年7月住院早产儿136例,利用随机数字表法分为对照组和试验组各68例。对照组接受早产儿常规护理方法,在常规早产儿护理方法的基础上,试验组采用触觉/运动刺激按摩的方法进行干预。比较两组住院早产儿管饲喂养转为经口喂养时间(d)、完全经口喂养率(%)、喂养不耐受发生率(%),新生儿行为神经测定评分(NBNA),运动发育指数(PDI)。 结果 试验组管饲喂养转为经口喂养时间(12.73±1.86)d明显短于对照组(13.66±1.68)d,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05),试验组完全经口喂养率(89.7%)明显大于对照组(70.6%),P < 0.05,试验组喂养不耐受发生率(8.8%)明显小于对照组(16.2%),P < 0.05;试验组新生儿行为神经测定评分(35.22±1.98)分明显高于对照组(33.19±2.95)分(P < 0.05);试验组运动发育指数(76.88±6.12)分明显高于对照组(74.34±5.07)分(P < 0.05)。 结论 触觉/运动刺激按摩可有效改善早产儿喂养情况,促进早产儿的神经及运动发育水平。 Abstract:Objective To observe the effects of tactile/motor stimulation massage on feeding outcomes and neuromotor development levels of preterm infants. Methods A total of 136 preterm hospitalized infants in the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital in Yunnan Province from January 2024 to July 2024 were enrolled and randomly assigned to a control group and an experimental group, with 68 cases in each group. The control group received the routine care for preterm infants, while the experimental group received tactile/motor stimulation massage as an intervention in addition to the routine care. The time taken from gavage to oral feeding (d), the rate of complete oral feeding (%), the incidence of feeding intolerance (%), the neonatal behavioral neurometric score (NBNA) and Psychomotor development index (PDI) were compared between the two groups. Results The time from gavage to oral feeding in the experimental group (12.73±1.86) days was significantly shorter than that in the control group (13.66±1.68) days, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05); the rate of complete oral feeding in the experimental group (89.7%) was significantly higher than that in the control group (70.6%), P < 0.05, and the incidence of feeding intolerance in the experimental group (8.8%) was significantly lower than that in the control group (16.2%), P < 0.05; the neonatal behavioral neurometric score (35.22±1.98) in the experimental group was significantly higher than that in the control group (33.19±2.95), P < 0.05, and the motor development index in the experimental group (76.88±6.12) was significantly higher than that in the control group (74.34±5.07), P < 0.05. Conclusion Tactile/motor stimulation massage can effectively improve the feeding status and promote the neuromotor development of preterm infants. -
表 1 两组住院早产儿一般资料比较[n(%)/M(P25,P75)]
Table 1. Comparison of general data of two groups of hospitalized preterm infants [n(%)/M(P25,P75)]
项目 试验组(n = 68) 对照组(n = 68) χ2/Z P 性别[n(%)] 0.118 0.732 男 35(51.5) 31(45.6) 女 33(48.5) 37(54.4) 胎龄(周) 32(30,33) 32(29,33) 0.325 0.745 出生体重(g) 2429 (1991.25 ,2480 )2257 (2109 ,2436.5 )1.759 0.079 分娩方式[n(%)] 0.265 0.607 顺产 37(54.4) 28(41.2) 剖宫产 31(45.6) 40(58.8) 5 min Apgar评分(分) 9(8,9) 8(7.25,9) 0.961 0.337 表 2 两组住院早产儿管饲喂养转为经口喂养时间、完全经口喂养率、喂养不耐受发生率比较[($\bar x \pm s $)/n(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of time taken from gavage to oral feeding,rate of complete oral feeding,and incidence of feeding intolerance between the two groups[($ \bar x \pm s $)/n(%)]
组别 管饲喂养转为经口喂养时间($ \bar x \pm s $,d) 完全经口喂养率[n(%)] 喂养不耐受发生率[n(%)] 试验组(n = 68) 12.73 ± 1.86 61(89.7) 6(8.8) 对照组(n = 68) 13.66 ± 1.68 48(70.6) 11(16.2) t/χ2 −3.057 49.111 76.50 P 0.003* < 0.001* < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 两组住院早产儿新生儿行为神经测定评分、运动发育指数比较[($ \bar x \pm s $),分]
Table 3. Comparison of neonatal behavioral neurometric scores and motor development index between the two groups[($ \bar x \pm s $),scords]
组别 新生儿行为神经测定评分 运动发育指数 试验组(n = 68) 35.22 ± 1.98 76.88 ± 6.12 对照组(n = 68) 33.19 ± 2.95 74.34 ± 5.07 t 4.698 2.638 P < 0.001* 0.009* *P < 0.05。 -
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