Periodontal Status and Its Influencing Factors in Rural Population aged 65-74 in Yunnan Province
目的 了解云南省宁洱和剑川2个县农村65~74岁老年人牙周状况,分析牙周病发生的危险因素。 方法 采用多阶段分层抽样方法,按照世界卫生组织的标准记录牙龈出血和附着丧失状况并进行面对面问卷调查。通过SPSS统计软件对患病情况和相关因素进行分析。 结果 云南省农村65~74岁老年人牙龈出血率为86.6%,附着丧失 > 3 mm的患病率为75.7%,平均牙龈出血牙数为8.96(2,14)颗。牙周健康状况和性别、民族、居住地、口腔健康知识、看牙经历、刷牙频率有关(P < 0.05)。 结论 云南省宁洱和剑川2个县农村65~74岁老年人牙周病患病率高,应结合危险因素对其进行防治。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the periodontal status of rural elderly aged 65 to 74 in Ning’ er and Jianchuan counties of Yunnan Province and to analyze the risk factors of periodontal disease. Methods Gingival bleeding and loss of attachment were recorded according to World Health Organization standards and a face-to-face questionnaire was conducted using a multi-stage stratified sampling method. The prevalence and related factors were analyzed by SPSS 25.0 statistical software. Results In rural areas of Yunnan province, the prevalence of gingival bleeding was 86.6% and prevalence of loss of attachment > 3 mm was 75.7%. The average number of gingival bleeding teeth was 8.96(2, 14). Periodontal health status was related to sex, nationality, residence, oral health knowledge, dental experience and frequency of brushing (P < 0.05). Conclusion The prevalence of periodontal disease in rural elderly aged 65 to 74 years in Ning’ er and Jianchuan counties of Yunnan Province is high; prevention and treatment should be carried out on the basis of risk factors. -
Key words:
- Periodontal disease /
- Elderly /
- Rural areas /
- Oral epidemiology /
- Risk factors
表 1 云南省65~74岁老年人牙龈出血状况及其相关因素分析[n(%)]
Table 1. Gingival bleeding and related factors for rural population aged 65-74 in Yunnan Province [n(%)]
相关因素 n(%) 牙龈出血 χ2 P 检出人数 性别 0.931 0.335 男 480(46.2) 421(87.7) 女 558(53.8) 478(85.7) 民族 11.579 0.001* 汉族 306(29.5) 248(81.0) 少数民族 732(70.5) 651(88.9) 地区 15.756 < 0.001* 宁洱 570(54.9) 472(82.8) 剑川 468(45.1) 427(92.1) 知识(分) 4.436 0.035* = 0 615(59.2) 544(88.5) > 0 423(40.8) 355(83.9) 态度(分) 3.299 0.069 0~3 515(49.6) 456(88.5) 4~7 523(50.4) 443(84.7) 是否看过牙医 11.211 < 0.001* 否 465(44.8) 421(90.5) 是 573(55.2) 478(83.4) 刷牙频率( 次/d) 2.563 0.109 ≤1 746(71.9) 654(87.7) > 1 292(28.1) 245(83.9) 合计 899(86.6) *P < 0.05。 表 2 云南省65~74岁老年人牙龈出血牙数及其相关因素分析[n(%)]
Table 2. The number of gingival bleeding teeth in 65~74 years old people in Yunnan province and its related factors [n(%)]
相关因素 n(%) 牙龈出血 Z P 牙数 M(P25,P75) 性别 −2.205 0.027* 男 480(46.2) 4636 9.66(3,15) 女 558(53.8) 4662 8.35(2,13) 民族 −8.669 < 0.001* 汉族 306(29.5) 1593 5.21(1,7) 少数民族 732(70.5) 7705 10.53(3,17) 地区 −14.209 < 0.001* 宁洱 570(54.9) 2981 5.23(1,7.25) 剑川 468(45.1) 6317 13.50(5,22) 知识(分) −5.983 < 0.001* = 0 615(59.2) 6375 10.37(3,17) > 0 423(40.8) 2923 6.91(2,10) 态度(分) −0.992 0.321 0~3 515(49.6) 4712 9.15(2,14) 4~7 523(50.4) 4586 8.77(2,13) 是否看过牙医 −3.672 < 0.001* 否 465(44.8) 4661 10.02(3,16) 是 573(55.2) 4637 8.09(2,12) 刷牙频率(次/d) −2.878 0.004* ≤1 746(71.9) 7012 9.40(2,14) > 1 292(28.1) 2286 7.83(2,11) 合计 9298 8.96(2,14) *P < 0.05。 表 3 云南省65~74岁老年人附着丧失状况[n(%)]
Table 3. Loss of attachment in the rural population aged 65-74 in Yunnan Province [n(%)]
性别 附着丧失 χ2 P 0~3 mm 4~5 mm 6~8 mm 9~11 mm > 12 mm 男 110(22.9) 190(39.6) 108(22.5) 62(12.9) 10(2.1) 13.021 0.011* 女 142(25.4) 240(43.0) 130(23.3) 36(6.5) 10(1.8) 合计 252(24.3) 430(41.4) 238(22.9) 98(9.4) 20(1.9) *P < 0.05。 表 4 云南省65~74岁老年人附着丧失状况及其相关因素分析[n(%)]
Table 4. Loss of attachment in 65~74 years old people in Yunnan province and its related factors [n(%)]
相关因素 n(%) 附着丧失 > 3 mm χ2 P 检出人数 性别 0.899 0.346 男 480(46.2) 370(77.1) 女 558(53.8) 416(74.6) 民族 40.918 < 0.001* 汉族 306(29.5) 272(88.9) 少数民族 732(70.5) 514(70.2) 地区 104.849 < 0.001* 宁洱 570(54.9) 502(88.1) 剑川 468(45.1) 284(60.7) 知识(分) 15.466 < 0.001* = 0 615(59.2) 439(71.4) > 0 423(40.8) 347(82.0) 态度(分) 0.747 0.426 0~3 515(49.6) 384(74.6) 4~7 523(50.4) 402(76.9) 是否看过牙医 2.073 0.167 否 465(44.8) 268(57.6) 是 573(55.2) 362(77.8) 刷牙频率(次/d) 1.231 0.295 ≤1 746(71.9) 558(74.8) > 1 292(28.1) 228(78.1) 合计 786(75.7) *P < 0.05。 -
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