Clinical Characteristics and Serum Levels of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Factors HSP47, XBP-1S and GRP78 in Elderly Women with Acute Myocardial Infarction
目的 探讨女性心肌梗死患者临床特点及内质网应激蛋白HSP47、XBP-1S、GRP78的血清含量与男性患者的差异。 方法 急性心肌梗死入院的患者356例,取发病后24 h内静脉血,离心后检测血清HSP47、XBP-1S、GRP78浓度,分为女性组(n =116),男性组(n = 240)。临床资料进行独立样本的t检验、卡方检验、非参数秩和检验。 结果 (1)女性患者组的发病年龄大于男性患者组(P < 0.05);(2)女性患者组吸烟率、高血压患病率低于男性患者组(P < 0.05);(3)女性患者组血清中XBP-1S含量高于男性患者组(P = 0.023,P < 0.05);女性患者组血清中HSP47、GRP78含量与男性患者组比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);(4)女性患者组血清GLU水平、BNP水平高于男性患者组(P < 0.05),女性患者组HCY(mmol/L)、CREA(mmol/L)、尿酸(mmol/L)、eGFRm水平低于男性组(P < 0.05);(5)非ST段抬高型心肌梗死发病率47.4%高于男性组发病率(P < 0.05)。 结论 急性心肌梗死女性患者有较男性患者发病年龄高、血清GLU、BNP含量高,非ST段抬高型心肌梗死发病率女性组高,其发病24 h内具有更高的内质网应激蛋白XBP-1S水平;男性急性心肌梗死患者血清中HCY、CREA、尿酸、eGFRm水平高于女性组。 -
- 急性心肌梗死 /
- 女性 /
- 内质网应激 /
- 剪切型X-盒结合蛋白
Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics of female patients with myocardial infarction and the differences in serum levels of endoplasmic reticulum stress proteins HSP47, XBP-1S, and GRP78 with male patients. Methods A total of 356 patients with acute myocardial infarction who were admitted to the hospital. The venous blood was collected within 24 hours after the onset, and the serum HSP47, XBP-1S and GRP78 concentrations were measured after centrifugation. They were divided into female group (n = 116) and male group (n = 240). The independent sample t test, chi-square test and nonparametric rank sum test were used for clinical data analysis. Results The age of onset in the female group was older than that in the male group (P < 0.05); while the prevalence of smoking and hypertension in the female group were lower than those in the male group (P < 0.05). The level of XBP-1S in serum of female patients was higher than that of male patients (P = 0.023, P < 0.05); but there was no significant difference in serum HSP47 and GRP78 levels between female patients and male patients (P > 0.05). Serum GLU and BNP levels in the female patient group were higher than those in the male patient group (both P < 0.05), and the female patient group had lower levels of HCY (mmol/L), CREA (mmol/L), uric acid (mmol/L) and eGFRm than in the male group (all P < 0.05). The incidence of non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction was 47.4% higher than that of the male group (P < 0.05). Conclusion Female patients with acute myocardial infarction have an older age of onset, higher serum GLU and BNP levels. The incidence of non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction is higher in the female group and higher endoplasmic reticulum stress protein XBP-1S level within 24 hours of onset; while the serum levels of HCY, CREA, uric acid, and eGFRm in male patients with acute myocardial infarction were higher than those in the female group. -
表 1 两组一般资料的对比[n(%)]
Table 1. Basic information of the two groups [n(%)]
指标 男(n = 240) 女(n = 116) t/χ2 P 年龄(岁) 60.03 ± 12.56 71.21 ± 4.87 −5.947 0.000* 体重指数(kg/m2) 28.38 ± 2.41 28.53 ± 2.78 −0.232 0.817 糖尿病 2.771 0.096 否 47(68.1) 9(47.4) 是 22(31.9) 10(52.6) 吸烟 5.034 0.025* 否 13(18.8) 9(47.4) 是 56(81.2) 10(52.6) 高血压 13.796 0.000* 否 16(23.2) 13(68.4) 是 53(76.8) 6(31.6) 心梗类型 7.977 0.019* 下壁 30(44.8) 5(26.3) 前壁 26(38.8) 5(26.3) 非ST段抬高 11(16.4) 9(47.4) 支数 1.286 0.257 单支 8(11.9) 0(0) 双支 59(88.1) 19(100) 与男性AMI患者组相比较,*P < 0.05。 表 2 两组患者之间检验、临床资料及血清HSP47、XBP-1S、GRP78的对比
Table 2. Comparison of clinical data and serum HSP47,XBP-1S,and GRP78 between the two groups
化验项目 男(n = 240) 女(n = 116) z P TC(mmol/L) 4.5(3.64~5.05) 4.11(3.31~5.64) 0.467 0.640 HCY(mmol/L) 12.65(10.6~15.8) 10.5(7.5~13.8) 2.621 0.009* HDL-C(mmol/L) 1.07(0.94~1.21) 1.17(0.93~1.35) −1.028 0.304 TG(mmol/L) 1.49(0.91~2.51) 1.32(0.89~1.75) 1.469 0.142 GLU(mmol/L) 6.49(5.43~7.46) 7.62(6.88~8.07) −2.733 0.006* 糖化血红蛋白(%) 5.7(5.5~6.5) 6.1(5.7~7.5) −1.250 0.211 AST(U/L) 159(47~226) 86(37~141) 1.095 0.273 ALT(U/L) 43(26~52) 28(16~63) 1.116 0.264 GGT(U/L) 32(25~84) 37(27~95) −0.127 0.899 CREA(μmol/L) 84.6(77.4~96) 73(56.8~89) 2.070 0.038* 尿酸(μmol/L) 353(292~438) 243(235~295) 4.549 0.000* eGFRm(mL/1.73 m2) 87(74~97) 68(29~92) 1.994 0.046* WBC(×109/L) 9.48(7.32~13.72) 10.8(9.34~12.94) 1.004 0.315 NEUT(%) 79.5(73.9~83.5) 77.9(70.3~83.8) 0.776 0.438 BNP(ng/mL) 663.2(130.2~1344) 1623(611.2~7138) −3.362 0.001* HSP47(pg/mL) 172.74(153.71~192.52) 170.99(156.02~179.12) 0.425 0.671 XBP~1S(pg/mL) 169.61(146.66~194.92) 152.26(131.01~166.58) −2.276 0.023* GRP78(pg/mL) 19.66(17.16~23.4) 18.84(17.45~20.8) 0.510 0.610 与男性AMI患者组比较,*P < 0.05。 -
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