A Cross-sectional Study on the Cognitive Status of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation among Urban and Rural Residents in Tonghai County
目的 调查云南省玉溪市通海县城乡居民心肺复苏术(cardiopulmonary resuscitation,CPR)知识的普及情况和科普需求,探索建立一种高效、适宜的科普模式。 方法 从云南省玉溪市通海县城乡居民中采用分层及简单随机抽样法抽取年龄15~60岁居民共300人,用自设问卷匿名进行一对一调查。 结果 通海县掌握心肺复苏技能的居民仅占20.3%,普及率较低,从未听说过心肺复苏的居民占26.2%;农村户口居民CPR知晓度与非农村户口居民CPR知晓度比较,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.01);居民年龄与CPR知晓度存在差异( P < 0.01),两者成反比关系;愿意对陌生人实施胸外按压和口对口人工呼吸的居民占比均较高,分别为66.2%和68.6%;63.79%的人从未参加过相关培训,但有92.76%的人表示当得知培训消息的时候愿意参加相关培训。 结论 通海县居民普遍缺乏CPR急救知识,但对于CPR急救知识的普及有较高的需求,施救态度积极,建议相关部门加大CPR科普以及培训力度,深入推广CPR急救术,将CPR推广入乡村。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the popularization of cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) knowledge and science popularization needs among urban and rural residents in Tonghai County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, so as to explore the establishment of an efficient and appropriate science popularization model. Methods A total of 300 residents aged 15-60 years old were selected from Tonghai County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province using stratified and simple random sampling methods. A self-designed questionnaire was used to conduct an anonymous questionnaire survey. Results Only 20.3% of Tonghai County residents master CPR skills, and 26.2% of Tonghai County residents have never heard of CPR. There is a statistically significant difference in the awareness rate of CPR between rural residents and non-rural residents(P < 0.01). There are differences in residents' age and CPR awareness( P < 0.01), the age and CPR are inversely proportional. The residents have a higher willingness to perform chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on strangers, 66.2% and 68.6% respectively. 63.79% of residents have never attended relevant training. But 92.76% of the people said they were willing to participate in the relevant training when they learned the training news. Conclusion Residents in Tonghai County generally lack knowledge of CPR first aid, but the demand for first aid knowledge of residential CPR is high and the attitude towards rescue is positive. It is recommended that relevant departments increase CPR science popularization and training efforts, and popularize CPR into villages. -
表 1 一般资料
Table 1. General information
项目 n 百分比(%) 性别 男 129 44.5 女 161 55.5 年龄(岁) 15~25 77 26.6 26~35 17 5.9 36~45 51 17.6 46~55 64 22.1 55~ 81 27.9 受教育水平 高中及以下 183 63.1 大学 105 36.2 研究生及以上 2 0.7 户口类型 农村户口 211 72.8 非农村户口 79 27.2 职业类型 体力劳动 179 61.7 脑力劳动 111 38.3 表 2 心肺复苏认识总体情况
Table 2. General understanding of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
情况 n 百分比(%) 听过且掌握CPR 59 20.3 听过但未能掌握CPR 155 53.4 没有听过CPR 76 26.2 表 3 年龄与认知水平关系[n(%)]
Table 3. The relationship between age and cognitive level[n(%)]
年龄(岁) n 听过且掌握CPR 听过但未能掌握CPR 没有听过CPR χ2 P 15~25 77 21(27.27) 50(64.94) 6(7.79) 50.968 < 0.001* 26~35 17 7(41.18) 6(35.29) 4(23.53) 36~45 51 12(23.53) 27(52.94) 12(23.53) 46~55 64 14(21.88) 38 (59.38) 12(18.75) 55~ 81 5(6.17) 34 (41.98) 42(51.85) *P < 0.05。 表 4 户口类型与认知水平关系
Table 4. The relationship between household type and cognitive level
户口类型 n 听过且掌握CPR 听过但未能掌握CPR 没有听过CPR χ2 P 农村户口 211 32(15.17) 109(51.66) 70(33.18) 25.027 < 0.001* 非农村户口 79 27(34.18) 46(58.23) 6(7.59) *P < 0.05。 表 5 CPR实施意愿
Table 5. Intention to perform CPR
项目 意愿 n 百分比(%) 胸外按压 愿意 192 66.2 一般 65 22.4 不愿意 33 11.4 口对口人工呼吸 愿意 199 68.6 不愿意 91 31.4 表 6 不愿意进行心肺复苏的原因
Table 6. Reasons for reluctance to perform CPR
原因 n 百分比(%) 怕技术不够精湛,反而延误抢救 11 33.3 怕抢救后遭讹诈 1 3.03 觉得肯定会有其他人出手,何必是我 3 9.09 以上全是 7 21.21 其他 11 33.33 表 7 CPR培训相关问题 [n(%)]
Table 7. Issues related to CPR training [n(%)]
问题 结果 是否参加过CPR
相关培训是 105(36.21) 否 185(63.79) 未参加原因 没有关注,不了解
它的重要性95(51.35) 不知道可以从哪里
学习108(58.38) 工作或学习太忙没
有时间70(37.84) 个人认为没有必要 20(10.81) 是否有必要掌
握心肺复苏术是 258(88.97) 否 32(11.03) 有CPR相关培训
时,是否愿意参加愿意 269(92.76) 不愿意 21(7.24) -
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