Characteristics of Refractive Development Parameters and Their Effects on Refractive Status in Children Aged 7~12 Years
目的 调查7~12岁小学生眼屈光发育参数情况,分析其与等效球镜度的关系并评价屈光参数在近视中的监测作用。 方法 选取云南省楚雄市北浦中学 1463 名7~12岁小学生,通过电脑验光仪获得球镜度数(DS)、柱镜度数(DC)、等效球镜度(SE),使用生物测量仪获得眼轴长度(AL)、角膜曲率(K1,K2)、中央前房深度(ACD)、中央角膜厚度(CCT)、晶状体厚度(LT)、玻璃体深度(VD),并计算角膜曲率半径(CR)、眼轴长度与角膜曲率半径比值(AL/CR)和晶状体度数(LP)。按年龄分为7~8岁组(n = 518)、9~10岁组(n = 547),11~12岁组(n = 398);按屈光状态分为近视组(n = 647)、正视组(n = 532)、远视组(n = 284),分析不同年龄段、不同屈光组之间屈光参数的特点和对屈光状态的影响。结果 (1)SE、DS、LT、LP随年龄增长逐渐变小(P < 0.05);(2)AL、AL/CR、ACD、VD随年龄增长逐渐增大(P < 0.05);(3)K、CR、CCT随年龄增长无变化(P > 0.05);(4)在近视组和远视组中,AL均与SE呈负相关(rs = -0.617;rs = -0.318,P < 0.05),AL/CR均与SE呈负相关(rs = -0.737;rs = -0.406,P < 0.05),LP与SE均呈正相关(rs = 0.412;rs = 0.182,P < 0.05),CR与SE无相关性(P > 0.05)。 结论 7~12岁小学生的屈光发育参数AL、AL/CR、ACD、VD随年龄增长而增大,而SE、DS、LT、LP随年龄增长而变小,K、CR和CCT无显著变化。AL/CR和AL可以作为近视的监测指标,AL/CR较AL与SE的相关性更高。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the refractive development parameters of primary school students aged 7 to 12 years in Chuxiong City, Yunnan Province, analyze their relationship with equivalent spherical power (SE), and evaluate the monitoring role of refractive parameters in myopia. Methods A total of 1463 primary school students aged 7-12 from Beipu Primary School in Chuxiong City, Yunnan Province were selected. Spherical degree (DS), cylindrical degree (DC), and equivalent spherical degree(SE) were obtained using a computer autorefractor. Axial length (AL), corneal curvature (K1, K2), anterior chamber depth (ACD), central corneal thickness (CCT), lens thickness (LT), and vitreous depth (VD) were measured using a biometer. The corneal curvature radius (CR), the ratio of axial length to corneal curvature radius (AL/CR), and lens power (LP) were calculated. Participants were divided into 7~8 years old group (n = 518), 9~10 years old group (n = 547), and 11~12 years old group (n = 398) according to age; and categorized into myopic group (n = 647), emmetropic group (n = 532), and hyperopic group (n = 284) based on refractive status to analyze the characteristics of refractive parameters and their impact across different age groups and refractive categories.Results (1)SE, DS, LT, and LP decreased with age (P < 0.05); (2)AL, AL/CR, ACD, and VD increased with age (P < 0.05); (3)K, CR and CCT showed no significant change with age (P > 0.05); (4)In both myopic and hyperopic groups, AL was negatively correlated with SE (rs = -0.617, rs = -0.318, both P < 0.05), AL/CR was negatively correlated with SE (rs = -0.737, rs = -0.406, both P < 0.05), LP was positively correlated with SE (rs = 0.412, rs = 0.182, both P < 0.05), while CR showed no correlation with SE (P > 0.05). Conclusion The refractive development parameters AL, AL/CR, ACD, and VD increased with age in primary school students aged 7 to 12, while SE, DS, LT, and LP decreased with age, and K, CR, and CCT showed no significant changes. AL/CR and AL can serve as monitoring indicators for myopia, with AL/CR demonstrating a higher correlation with SE than AL. -
Key words:
- Refractive development /
- Refractive error /
- Axial length /
- Myopia /
- AL/CR /
- Children
表 1 各年龄段近视的患病率比较 [n(%)]
Table 1. Comparison of myopia prevalence by age group [n(%)]
年龄段(岁) 总人数 近视人数 患病率(%) $ {\chi }^{2} $ P 7~8 518 139 26.8 114.13 < 0.001* 9~10 547 268 49.0 11~12 398 243 61.1 *P < 0.05。 表 2 不同年龄组屈光度和眼屈光参数的分布[P50(P25,P75)]
Table 2. Distribution of diopter and ocular biological parameters by age group at different ages[P50(P25,P75)]
参数 7~8岁(n = 518) 9~10岁(n = 547) 11~12岁(n = 398) H P DS(D) 0.25(−0.25,0.50) −0.25(−1.25,0.25) −0.75(−2.00,0.25) 148.82 < 0.001* DC(D) 0(−0.50,0) 0(−0.50,0) 0(−0.50,0) 6.874 0.032* SE(D) 0(−0.50,0.50) −0.375(−1.375,0.25) −1.00(−2.25,0.00) 143.105 < 0.001* K(D) 43.25(42.25,44.26) 43.23(42.37,44.23) 43.28(42.28,44.27) 0.163 0.922 AL(mm) 23.01(22.45,23.52) 23.43(22.87,24.05) 23.75(23.08,24.60) 169.651 < 0.001* CR(mm) 7.80(7.63,7.99) 7.81(7.63,7.97) 7.80(7.62,7.98) 0.163 0.922 AL/CR 2.94(2.90,2.99) 3.00(2.94,3.07) 3.04(2.97,3.14) 252.016 < 0.001* LT(mm) 3.60(3.47,3.77) 3.48(3.36,3.62) 3.44(3.32,3.56) 143.49 < 0.001* ACD(mm) 2.87(2.70,3.05) 3.02(2.83,3.18) 3.08(2.89,3.24) 121.416 < 0.001* VD(mm) 15.95(15.44,16.52) 16.43(15.87,16.96) 16.78(16.08,17.51) 174.915 < 0.001* CCT(mm) 537.00(517,560.3) 542(522,562) 543(520,564) 3.186 0.203 LP(D) 25.89(24.61,27.14) 24.51(23.47,25.87) 24.00(22.86,25.13) 208.466 < 0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 3 不同屈光状态组眼屈光参数的比较[P50(P25,P75)]
Table 3. Comparison of ocular biological parameters in different refractive state groups[P50(P25,P75)]
指标 近视(n = 647) 正视(n = 532) 远视(n = 284) H P SE(D) −1.50(−2.50,−0.75) 0.00(−0.25,0.25) 0.63(0.50,0.75) 1260.078 < 0.001* K(D) 43.31(42.34,44.35) 43.25(42.33,44.18) 43.12(42.13,44.05) 3.214 0.200 AL(mm) 23.88(23.20,24.61) 23.12(22.60,23.60) 22.98(22.45,23.40) 298.07 < 0.001* CR(mm)
< 0.001*
< 0.001*
< 0.001*
< 0.001*
< 0.001**P < 0.05。 表 4 不同屈光发育参数与SE的相关性分析
Table 4. Correlation analysis between different refractive parameters and SE
组别 AL vs SE AL/CR vs SE CR vs SE LP vs SE rs P rs P rs P rs P 近视组 −0.617 < 0.001* −0.737 < 0.001* 0.044 0.259 0.412 < 0.001* 正视组 −0.056 0.198 −0.134 0.002* 0.021 0.624 −0.069 0.112 远视组 −0.318 < 0.001* −0.406 < 0.001* 0.008 0.888 0.182 0.002* *P < 0.05。 -
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