Refractive Progression and Related Factors in Myopic School-age Children in Ethnic Minority Areas of Yunnan
目的 了解云南少数民族聚集地近视学龄儿童的屈光进展情况,探究其相关因素。 方法 基于已有队列,于2020年10月至2021年6月在云南省白族聚集地大理市、纳西族聚集地丽江古城以及傣族和哈尼族聚集地西双版纳州勐海县3个少数民族聚集地抽取的 1774 名学生进行第一次随访调查,开展二次视力筛查,选取基线已近视的816名学龄儿童年作为研究对象,分析1年来屈光度变化(△SE)和屈光进展的程度(分为快速△SE、慢速△SE),用二元Logistic回归分析屈光进展程度的影响因素。结果 随访1年后近视学龄儿童屈光度变化为-0.63(-1.00,-0.25)D,发生快速△SE、慢速△SE的人数分别为518名和298名。学段比较发现,傣族的学龄儿童小学相较于初中更容易发生快速△SE(P < 0.05)。Logistic回归结果显示,纳西族(OR = 1.879,95%CI:1.132~2.999)课间休息在教室内用眼(OR = 1.541,95%CI:1.088~2.181)的学龄儿童发生快速屈光进展的风险更高(P < 0.05),而白天户外活动时间≥3 h(OR = 0.539,95%CI:0.340~0.853)和经常吃动物肝脏(OR = 0.596,95%CI:0.399~0.892)的学龄儿童发生快速屈光进展的风险更低(P < 0.05)。 结论 云南少数民族聚集地近视学龄儿童屈光进展较快,存在明显的民族差异,近视学龄儿童的屈光进展与生活习惯密切相关,应针对云南少数民族聚集地儿童青少年开展相应的近视防控措施和研究。 Abstract:Objective To understand the refractive progression of myopic school-aged children in ethnic minority areas of Yunnan and explore related factors. Methods Based on an existing cohort, a first follow-up survey was conducted from October 2020 to June 2021 involving 1, 774 students selected from three ethnic minority areas: Dali City (Bai ethnic group), Lijiang Ancient Town (Naxi ethnic group), and Menghai County in Xishuangbanna (Dai and Hani ethnic groups).Among them, 816 myopic school-aged children at baseline were selected as research subjects to analyze changes in refractive error (△SE) and the degree of refractive progression (classified as rapid △SE and slow △SE) over one year. Binary logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of refractive progression. Results After one year of follow-up, the change in refractive error for myopic school-aged children was -0.63 (-1.00, -0.25) D, with 518 children experiencing rapid △SE and 298 children experiencing slow △SE. Comparisons by educational stage indicated that Dai ethnic group children in primary school were more likely to experience rapid △SE than those in junior high school (P < 0.05). Logistic regression results showed that school-age children of Naxi ethnic group (OR = 1.879, 95%CI: 1.132~2.999) , and those who used their eyes in the classroom during breaks (OR = 1.541, 95%CI: 1.088~2.181) were at higher risk of rapid refractive progression (P < 0.05). Children of school age who engage in outdoor activities for at least 3 hours during the day (OR = 0.539, 95%CI: 0.340~0.853) and those who frequently consume animal liver (OR = 0.596, 95%CI: 0.399~0.892) have a lower risk of rapid myopic progression (P < 0.05). Conclusion Myopic school-aged children in ethnic minority areas of Yunnan exhibit rapid refractive progression, with significant ethnic differences. The refractive progression in these children is closely related to lifestyle habits, highlighting the need for targeted myopia prevention and control measures and research for children and adolescents in ethnic minority areas of Yunnan. -
Key words:
- Ethnic minorities /
- School-age children /
- Refractive progression /
- Influencing factors /
- Myopia
表 1 各民族学龄儿童基线特征比较[n(%)]
Table 1. Comparison of baseline characteristics of school-aged children from different ethnicities[n(%)]
特征 n 汉族 哈尼族 白族 傣族 纳西族 χ2 P 总体 816 319(39.1) 135(16.5) 82(10.0) 163(20.0) 117(14.3) 性别 14.449 0.006* 男 318(39.0) 133(41.7)a 51(37.8)a 39(47.6)a 44(27.0)b 51(43.6)a 女 498(61.0) 186(58.3)a 84(62.2)a 43(52.4)a 119(73.0)b 66(56.4)a 学段 49.460 < 0.001** 小学 316(38.7) 128(40.1)a 62(45.9)ab 13(15.9)c 87(53.4)b 26(22.2)c 初中 500(61.3) 191(59.9)a 73(54.1)ab 69(84.1)c 76(46.6)b 91(77.8)c 屈光状态 18.923 0.001* 轻度近视 574(70.3) 213(66.8)ab 109(80.7)c 46(56.1)b 117(71.8)ac 89(76.1)ac 中高度近视 242(29.7) 106(33.2)ab 26(19.3)c 36(43.9)b 46(28.2)ac 28(23.9)ac 父母近视情况 44.481 < 0.001** 父母均不近视 485(59.4) 166(52.0)a 97(71.9)b 32(39.0)c 111(68.1)b 79(67.5)b 父母一方近视 248(30.4) 118(37.0)a 31(23.0)b 32(39.0)c 40(24.5)b 27(23.1)b 父母均近视 83(10.2) 35(11.0)a 7(5.2)b 18(22.0)c 12(7.4)b 11(9.4)b 与汉族比较,aP < 0.05;与哈尼族比较,bP < 0.05;与白族比较,cP < 0.05;与傣族比较,dP < 0.05;*P < 0.05;**P < 0.001。 表 2 不同民族近视学龄儿童屈光进展比较[M(P25,P75)/n(%)]
Table 2. Comparison of refractive progression in myopic school-aged children of different ethnicities[M(P25,P75)/n(%)]
民族 △SE(D) 快速△SE 慢速△SE 汉族 −0.63(−0.88,−0.25) 198(62.1) 121(37.9) 哈尼族 −0.50(−0.94,−0.25) 81(60.0) 54(40.0) 白族 −0.60(−0.95,−0.07) 48(58.5) 34(41.5) 傣族 −0.63(−1.00,−0.25) 106(65.0) 58(35.0) 纳西族 −0.75(−1.13,−0.38) 86(73.5) 31(26.5) H/χ2 7.510# 7.089## P 0.111 0.131 总体 −0.63(−1.00,−0.25) 518(63.6) 298(36.4) #表示采用Kruskal-Walilis秩和检验,##表示采用计数资料比较的χ2检验。 表 3 分不同民族的性别、学段间近视学龄儿童屈光进展程度比较[n(%)]
Table 3. Comparison of refractive progression in myopic school-aged children by genders and educational stages across different ethnic groups[n(%)]
民族 男生 女生 χ2 P 小学 初中 χ2 P 快速△SE 慢速△SE 快速△SE 慢速△SE 快速△SE 慢速△SE 快速△SE 慢速△SE 汉族 87(65.4) 46(34.6) 111(59.7) 75(40.3) 1.074 0.298 80(62.5) 48(37.5) 118(61.8) 73(38.2) 0.017 0.897 哈尼族 33(64.7) 18(35.3) 48(57.1) 36(42.9) 0.756 0.384 35(56.5) 27(43.5) 46(63.0) 27(37.0) 0.602 0.438 白族 19(48.7) 20(51.3) 29(67.4) 14(32.6) 2.954 0.086 7(53.8) 6(46.2) 41(59.4) 28(40.6) 0.140 0.708 傣族 33(75.0) 11(25.0) 73(61.3) 46(38.7) 2.634 0.105 63(72.4) 25(27.6) 43(56.6) 33(43.4) 4.473 0.034* 纳西族 39(76.5) 12(23.5) 47(71.2) 19(28.8) 0.408 0.523 17(65.4) 9(34.6) 69(75.8) 22(24.2) 1.132 0.287 合计 211(66.4) 107(33.6) 308(61.8) 190(38.2) 1.701 0.192 202(63.9) 114(36.1) 317(63.4) 183(36.6) 0.023 0.880 *P < 0.05。 表 4 近视学龄儿童屈光进展程度与生活习惯的相关性[n(%)]
Table 4. Correlation between refractive progression and lifestyle habits in school-aged children with myopia[n(%)]
变量 总体 快速△SE 慢速△SE χ2 P 一周的文化课补习班时长(h) 6.649 0.084 无补习班 521(63.8) 334(64.1) 187(35.9) < 1 107(13.1) 57(53.3) 50(46.7) 1~2(不含2) 108(13.2) 73(67.6) 35(32.4) ≥2 80(9.8) 55(68.8) 25(31.3) 课间休息活动 6.921 0.009* 教室内用眼 357(43.8) 245(68.8) 112(31.4) 户外或教室内闭目 459(56.3) 274(59.7) 185(40.3) 白天的户外活动时间(h) 11.711 0.008* < 1 141(17.3) 97(68.8) 44(31.2) 1~2(不含2) 306(37.5) 205(67.0) 101(33.0) 2~3(不含3) 163(20.0) 106(65.0) 57(35.0) ≥3 206(25.2) 111(53.9) 95(46.1) 是否注意读写姿势 6.837 0.083 从不 84(10.3) 47(56.0) 37(44.0) 偶尔 288(35.3) 199(69.1) 89(30.9) 经常 276(33.8) 169(61.2) 107(38.8) 总是 168(20.6) 104(61.9) 64(38.1) 睡眠时长(h) 0.898 0.826 < 8 250(30.6) 156(62.4) 94(37.6) 8~9(不含9) 307(37.6) 198(64.5) 109(35.5) 9~10(不含10) 200(24.5) 130(65.0) 70(35.0) ≥10 59(7.2) 35(59.3) 24(40.7) 是否注意饮食搭配 0.015 0.902 不注意或少注意 641(78.6) 407(63.5) 234(36.5) 常注意 175(21.4) 112(64.0) 63(36.0) 是否吃动物肝脏 7.695 0.006* 不吃或少吃 694(85.0) 455(65.6) 239(34.4) 常吃 122(15.0) 64(52.5) 58(47.5) *P < 0.05。 表 5 近视学龄儿童屈光进展程度的多因素二元Logistic回归
Table 5. Multifactorial binary Logistic regression of refractive progression in myopic school children
变量 β 标准误 OR(95%CI) P 民族 哈尼族 −0.047 0.218 0.955(0.622~1.464) 0.831 白族 −0.217 0.262 0.805(0.481~1.346) 0.408 傣族 0.156 0.209 1.169(0.775~1.762) 0.480 纳西族 0.611 0.249 1.842(1.132~2.999) 0.014* 汉族 1.000 课间休息活动 教室内用眼 0.432 0.177 1.541(1.088~2.181) 0.015* 教室外或教室内闭目 1.000 白天的户外活动时间(h) ≥3 −0.618 0.234 0.539(0.340~0.853) 0.008* 2~3(不含3) −0.201 0.252 0.818(0.499~1.341) 0.425 1~2(不含2) −0.134 0.224 0.874(0.564~1.357) 0.549 < 1 1.000 是否吃动物肝脏 常吃 −0.517 0.206 0.596(0.399~0.892) 0.012* 不吃或少吃 1.000 *P < 0.05。 -
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