The Effects of Physical Activity Duration,Sleep Quality,and Weight Control on Patient-Reported Outcomes in Hypertensive Patients
目的 探讨高血压患者体力活动时长、睡眠质量、体重控制与患者报告结局(patient- reported outcomes,PRO)之间的关系,为高血压患者PRO的提高提供有效信息。 方法 2020年4—6月自云南省4个县中随机抽取625例高血压患者参加现场调查。问卷内容包括患者基本情况、生活方式、健康状况及高血压患者报告结局量表-PROISCD-HY(V1.0)。t检验、方差分析及多元线性回归用于分析体力活动时长、睡眠质量、体重控制与PRO之间的关系,并用Bootstrap法检验中介效应。 结果 调整潜在协变量后,多元线性回归模型显示体力活动时长≥2 h与PRO显著相关[B = 6.551,95%CI(2.611,10.491)],分层后发现关联仅在男性、女性及中青年中存在,在老年人中不存在。睡眠质量好与PRO之间均存在显著相关性[B = 1.870,95%CI(0.449,3.291)],关联在各人群中均存在。通过运动+饮食控制的患者PRO得分升高[B = 1.904,95%CI(0.383,3.424)],饮食及其他方式控制体重的患者PRO得分降低[B = -4.873,95%CI(-7.860,-1.887);B = -7.105,95%CI(-12.211,-1.999)],各人群关联情况不同。Bootstrap法发现体力活动时长对PRO存在直接和间接影响,睡眠质量在体力活动时长与PRO间起部分中介作用。 结论 体力活动时长≥2 h,睡眠质量好,控制体重能提高高血压患者的PRO。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the correlation between physical activity duration, sleep quality, weight control, and PRO(patient- reported outcomes) in individuals with hypertension, providing effective information for enhancing patient-reported outcomes in this population. Methods A total of 625 hypertensive patients were randomly selected from four counties in Yunnan Province from April to June 2020 to participate in a field survey. The questionnaire included patients' basic information, lifestyle, health status and the PRO Scale for Hypertension-PROISCD-HY (V1.0). Statistical analyses including t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and multivariate linear regression were conducted to investigate the relationships between physical activity duration, sleep quality, weight control, and PRO, with the Bootstrap method used to examine potential mediating effects. Results After adjusting for potential covariates, the multiple linear regression model indicated a significant association between a physical activity duration of ≥2 hours with PRO[B = 6.551, 95%CI(2.611, 10.491)]. Stratified analysis showed that this association was only present among males, females, and younger adults, but not in older adults. Additionally, a positive correlation was found between good sleep quality and PRO[B = 1.870, 95%CI(0.449, 3.291)], with this association being consistent across all populations after stratification. Patients who managed their condition through exercise and diet had higher PRO scores[B = 1.904, 95%CI(0.383, 3.424)], while those controlling weight through diet and other methods exhibited a decrease in PRO scores[B = -4.873, 95%CI(-7.860, -1.887); B = -7.105, 95%CI(-12.211, -1.999)], with variations among different groups. The bootstrap method revealed that physical activity duration had both direct and indirect effects on PRO, with sleep quality acting as a partial mediator between physical activity duration and PRO. Conclusion A Physical activity duration of at least 2 hours, good sleep quality, and weight control have been shown to improve PRO in individuals with hypertension. -
Key words:
- Hypertension /
- Patient-reported outcomes /
- Multiple linear regression /
- Bootstrap
表 1 研究对象人口学特征的统计描述[n(%)]
Table 1. Statistical description of the demographic characteristics of the study population [n(%)]
变量 分类 男性(n = 255) 女性(n = 349) 总和(n = 604) 年龄(岁) 中青年(< 65岁) 114(44.71) 167(47.85) 281(46.52) 老年(≥65岁) 141(55.29) 182(52.15) 323(53.48) 民族 汉族 102(40.00) 207(59.31) 309(51.16) 彝族 153(60.00) 142(40.69) 295(48.84) 居住地 城市 15(5.88) 19(5.44) 34(5.63) 农村 240(92.12) 330(94.56) 570(94.37) 婚姻状况 未婚 3(1.18) 5(1.43) 8(1.32) 已婚/同居 232(90.98) 291(83.38) 523(86.59) 离异 3(1.18) 2(0.57) 5(0.83) 丧偶 17(6.67) 51(14.61) 68(11.26) 文化程度 小学及以下 112(43.92) 248(71.06) 360(59.60) 初中 120(47.06) 86(24.64) 206(34.11) 高中/中专/五年制大专 17(6.67) 12(3.44) 29(4.80) 大学(专科/本科) 6(2.35) 3(0.86) 9(1.49) 保险类型 未参加,自费 2(0.78) 4(1.15) 6(0.99) 城镇职工医保 17(6.67) 8(2.29) 25(4.14) 城镇居民医保 144(56.47) 148(42.41) 292(48.34) 新农村合作医保 89(34.90) 188(53.87) 277(45.86) 商业医保 0(0.00) 1(0.29) 1(0.17) 公费医疗 3(1.18) 0(0.00) 3(0.50) 经济状况 好 25(9.80) 31(8.88) 56(9.27) 中 177(69.41) 249(71.35) 426(70.53) 差 53(20.78) 69(19.77) 122(20.20) 表 2 不同人口学特征患者的PRO得分比较($ \bar x \pm s $)
Table 2. Comparison of PRO scores among patients with different demographic characteristics($ \bar x \pm s $)
变量 分类 PRO总分(分) t/F P 年龄(岁) 中青年(< 65岁) 75.48 ± 7.67 6.162 < 0.001* 老年(≥65岁) 71.78 ± 7.08 性别 男性 74.30 ± 7.40 2.196 0.028* 女性 72.93 ± 7.67 民族 汉族 73.83 ± 9.04 1.067 0.286 彝族 73.17 ± 5.67 居住地 城市 77.19 ± 7.97 2.935 0.003* 农村 73.29 ± 7.51 婚姻状况 未婚 72.85 ± 6.48 0.241 0.867 已婚/同居 73.60 ± 7.69 离异 73.78 ± 6.54 丧偶 72.81 ± 7.02 文化程度 小学及以下 72.15 ± 7.83 13.117 < 0.001* 初中 74.90 ± 6.61 高中/中专/五年制大专 78.89 ± 6.39 大学(专科/本科) 78.58 ± 7.13 保险类型 未参加,自费 74.26 ± 4.21 0.610 0.692 城镇职工医保 74.02 ± 6.45 城镇居民医保 73.06 ± 5.93 新农村合作医保 73.94 ± 9.11 商业医保 — 公费医疗 74.07 ± 11.17 经济状况 好 79.57 ± 8.84 30.857 < 0.001* 中 73.59 ± 6.54 差 70.42 ± 8.61 *P < 0.05。 表 3 体力活动时长、睡眠质量、体重控制与高血压患者PRO之间的关系
Table 3. Relationship Between Physical Activity Duratio,Sleep Quality,Weight Control,and PRO in Hypertensive Patients
统计指标 体力活动时长
(0 min作为参照)睡眠质量
(不控制作为参照)0~30 min 30 min~1 h 1~2 h ≥2 h 好 差 运动 饮食 运动+饮食 其他方式 总人群 B
(−12.211,−1.999)β 0.047 0.079 0.063 0.132 0.101 −0.027 0.073 −0.120 0.094 −0.102 P 0.378 0.146 0.174 0.001 0.010 0.486 0.058 0.001 0.014 0.006 男性 B
(−15.104,−1.501)β 0.065 0.045 0.119 0.151 0.141 0.022 0.153 −0.142 0.147 −0.143 P 0.427 0.606 0.123 0.027 0.019 0.073 0.012 0.021 0.015 0.017 女性 B
(−12.815,2.706)β 0.060 0.138 0.061 0.154 0.015 −0.107 0.043 −0.090 0.096 −0.062 P 0.402 0.055 0.297 0.004 0.768 0.028 0.394 0.065 0.052 0.201 中青年 B
(−14.083,2.110)β 0.190 0.113 0.111 0.209 0.137 0.007 0.074 −0.129 0.072 −0.082 P 0.019 0.142 0.102 0.001 0.014 0.903 0.201 0.022 0.218 0.147 老年 B
(−14.177,−1.329)β −0.070 0.043 0.040 0.094 0.019 −0.113 0.081 −0.093 0.123 −0.124 P 0.357 0.591 0.555 0.121 0.721 0.030 0.132 0.077 0.020 0.018 注:模型在校正年龄、性别、居住地、文化程度、经济状况、吸烟、饮酒、水果频率、睡眠质量、体力活动频率、体力活动方式(体重控制、睡眠质量或体力活动时长)的基础上校正了并发症、病程、服药情况、用药方式。 表 4 高血压患者睡眠质量、体重控制在体力活动时长及PRO间的中介效应分析
Table 4. Mediation effect analysis of sleep quality and weight control on the relationship between physical activity duration and PRO in hypertensive patients
变量 PRO PRO 体重控制 睡眠质量 B t P B t P B t P B t P 体力活动时长 1.081 3.596 < 0.001* 1.260 4.207 < 0.001* −0.237 −3.372 0.001* −0.061 −2.545 0.011* 睡眠质量 −1.710 −3.384 < 0.001* 体重控制 −0.315 −1.831 0.068 R2 0.118 0.095 0.023 0.046 F 15.924 21.087 4.705 9.546 *P < 0.05。 表 5 总效应、直接效应及中介效应分解表
Table 5. Total Effect,Direct Effect,and Mediation Effect Decomposition Table.
效应 效应值 Boot标准误 Boot(95%CI) 相对效应值% 总效应 1.260 0.300 (0.672,1.848) 100.00 直接效应 1.081 0.278 (0.537,1.617) 85.80 睡眠质量 0.104 0.058 (0.016,0.239) 8.27 体重控制 0.075 0.049 (−0.01,0.168) 5.93 注:Boot 标准误、Boot CI 下限和 Boot CI 上限分别指通过偏差矫正的百分位 Bootstrap 法估计的间接效应的标准误差、95% 置信区间的下限和上限。 -
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