Clinical Analysis of the Spectrum of Upper Gastrointestinal Diseases in 424 Cases of Children in A Tertiary Hospital in Kunming
目的 了解儿童上消化道疾病谱的临床特点。 方法 收集2018年1月至2023年6月在云南省第一人民医院儿科住院行胃镜检查的2月至14岁424例患儿的临床资料,针对患儿临床表现、胃镜结果、HP感染情况进行回顾性分析。 结果 婴幼儿期以呕吐、腹泻症状行胃镜检查,与学龄前期、学龄期比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。胃镜下病变阳性率为96.46%,其发现主要疾病为非萎缩性胃炎222例、胆汁反流性胃炎42例、非萎缩性胃炎伴糜烂30例、十二指肠球炎25例、反流性食管炎15例、其他75例。424例中300例行幽门螺杆菌(helicobacter pylori ,HP)检查,105例HP阳性,HP检出率35.00%。 结论 腹痛是学龄期和学龄前期儿童上消化道疾病就诊的主要症状;呕吐、腹泻是婴幼儿期儿童上消化道疾病就诊的主要症状。HP感染无性别差异,但在年龄上存在差异。 Abstract:Objective To investigate the clinical features of the spectrum of upper gastrointestinal diseases in children and to provide assistance in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of upper gastrointestinal diseases in children. Methods Clinical data of 424 children aged 2 months to 14 years who were hospitalised for gastroscopy in the paediatrics department of the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province from January 2018 to June 2023 were collected, and retrospective analyses were performed for the children's clinical presentation, gastroscopy results, and HP infections. Results The symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea in infants were significantly different from those in preschool and school age groups (P < 0.05). The positive rate of lesions under gastroscopy was 96.46%. The main diseases found were non-atrophic gastritis (222 cases), bile reflux gastritis (42 cases), non-atrophic gastritis with erosion (30 cases), duodenitis (25 cases), reflux esophagitis (15 cases) and others (75 cases). Helicobacter pylori (HP) was detected in 300 of the 424 cases, and 105 cases were HP positive, with a detection rate of 35.00%. Conclusion Abdominal pain was the main symptom of upper gastrointestinal diseases in school-age and pre-school children. Vomiting and diarrhea were the main symptoms of upper gastrointestinal diseases in infants. There was no gender difference in HP infection, but there was a difference in age. -
Key words:
- Children /
- Gastroscopy /
- Upper gastrointestinal diseases /
- Helicobacter pylori
表 1 不同年龄段的临床表现情况[n(%),n = 424]
Table 1. Clinical presentation by age group [n(%),n = 424]
临床表现 婴幼儿期 学龄前期 学龄期 合计 P 腹痛 0(0) 56(53.33) 186(63.27) 242(57.08) 0.857 呕吐 10(40.00)a 15(14.29) 37(12.59) 62(14.62) < 0.001*** 反酸 0(0) 8(7.62) 16(5.44) 24(5.66) 0.568 恶心 0(0) 8(7.62) 30(10.20) 38(8.96) 0.417 腹胀 0(0) 3(2.86) 5(1.70) 8(1.89) 0.238 腹泻 15(60.00)a 8(7.62) 6(2.04) 29(6.84) < 0.001*** 乏力 0(0) 3(2.86) 3(1.02) 6(1.42) 0.146 胸闷 0(0) 2(1.90) 2(0.68) 4(0.94) 0.114 呕血 0(0) 2(1.90) 9(3.06) 11(2.59) 0.236 注:呕吐和腹泻在3个年龄段发生率差异具有统计学意义( ***P < 0.001);a 与婴幼儿期比较,(P < 0.05)。 表 2 各年龄段胃镜诊断结果[n(%),n = 424]
Table 2. Gastroscopic diagnostic findings by age group [n(%),n = 424]
胃镜结果 婴幼儿期 学龄前期 学龄期 合计 P 非萎缩性胃炎 13(52.00) 49(46.67) 160(54.42) 222(52.36) < 0.001*** 胆汁反流性胃炎 1(4.00) 9(8.57) 32(10.88) 42(9.91) 0.546 十二指肠球炎 0(0) 7(6.67) 18(6.12) 25(5.90) 0.325 非萎缩性胃炎伴糜烂 0(0) 6(5.71) 24(8.16) 30(7.08) 0.257 反流性食管炎 9(36.00) 2(1.90) 4(1.36) 15(3.54) < 0.001*** 食管胃黏膜异位 0(0) 4(3.81) 10(3.40) 14(3.30) 0.147 胃毛细血管扩张症 0(0) 2(1.90) 4(1.36) 6(1.42) 0.096 胃溃疡 0(0) 1(0.95) 1(0.34) 2(0.47) 0.061 胃息肉 0(0) 4(3.81) 6(2.04) 10(2.36) 0.059 十二指肠溃疡 0(0) 2(1.90) 5(1.70) 7(1.65) 0.060 十二指肠球部隔膜 1(4.00) 0(0) 0(0) 1(0.24) 0.054 食管胃底静脉曲张 0(0) 1(0.95) 1(0.34) 2(0.47) 0.059 食道裂孔疝 1(4.00) 0(0) 1(0.34) 2(0.47) 0.057 消化道异物 0(0) 1(0.95) 0(0) 1(0.24) 0.053 贲门炎 0(0) 1(0.95) 4(1.36) 5(1. 18) 0.058 食道溃疡 0(0) 0(0) 1(0.34) 1(0.24) 0.054 贲门失弛缓症 0(0) 0(0) 1(0.34) 1(0.24) 0.054 过敏性紫癜 0(0) 1(0.95) 2(0.68) 3(0.71) 0.061 胃窦部隆起性病灶 0(0) 8(7.62) 2(0.68) 10(2.36) 0.064 食道隆起性病灶 0(0) 2(1.90) 0(0) 2(0.47) 0.065 十二指肠隆起性病灶 0(0) 4(3.81) 0(0) 4(0.94) 0.068 小肠淋巴管扩张症 0(0) 0(0) 2(0.68) 2(0.47) 0.053 腐蚀性食管炎 0(0) 1(0.95) 1(0.34) 2(0.47) 0.052 注:非萎缩性胃炎在3个年龄组检出率差异有统计学意义(***P < 0.001);反流性食管炎在3个年龄组检出率,差异有统计学意义( ***P < 0.001)。 表 3 胃镜检出儿童上消化道疾病 HP阳性率比较[n(%),n = 424]
Table 3. Comparison of HP positivity rates in children with upper gastrointestinal diseases detected by gastroscopy [n(%),n = 424]
总例数 HP阳性 阳性率(%) χ2 P 性别 男 175 67 38.29 女 125 38 30.40 1.993 0.158 表 4 各年龄段 HP感染阳性率[n(%),n = 424]
Table 4. Positive rates of HP infection by age group [n(%),n = 424]
年龄 合计 HP阳性 阳性率(%) χ2 P 婴幼儿期 19 2 10.53 学龄前期 80 13 16.25 学龄期 201 90 44.78 25.809 <0.001*** 合计 300 105 35.00 ***P < 0.001。 -
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