The Application of Narrative Education in the Clinical Teaching of Nursing Interns
目的 调查护理专业实习生在叙事教育干预前后对自身人文关怀能力的评价,通过前后对比综合了解叙事教学法在护理教育中的实践地位及应用价值。 方法 采用随机抽样法选取昆明医科大学第一附属医院2022届护理专业实习生180名,对其开展以线上观看生死学影视作品等与线下交流探讨身边生命事迹等相结合的叙事教育,使用《关怀能力评价量表(CAI)》进行叙事教育干预前后的自我评价。 结果 护理专业实习生关怀能力自我评价中,叙事教育干预前得分为(177.70±16.77)分,叙事教育干预后得分为(187.78±17.24)分,干预前后的评分差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 叙事教育对提高护理专业实习生的人文关怀能力有积极意义,且叙事教育对护理专业实习生的影响在认知方面较为明显。除此之外,实习生的性别、学历、家庭关系等对人文关怀能力也有较大影响。 Abstract:Objective To investigate and evaluate the humanistic care ability of the nursing interns before and after the intervention of narrative education, and comprehensively understand the practical status and application value of the narrative teaching method in nursing education through the comparison. Methods A total of 180 nursing interns of 2022 from the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University were selected by random sampling method, and narrative education was carried out on them, which combined the online viewing of life-and-death movies and TV works with the offline communication and discussion of life stories around them. The Caring Ability Evaluation Scale (CAI) was used to conduct the self-evaluation before and after the narrative education intervention. Results The scores of the self-evaluation of nursing interns' caring ability before and after the intervention were (177.70±16.77) points and (187.78±17.24) points respectively, and there was a statistically difference (P < 0.05). Conclusion Narrative education has a positive significance in improving the humanistic care ability of nursing interns, and the impact of narrative education on nursing interns is obvious in cognition. The intern’ s gender, education background and family relationship also have a great impact on the humanistic care ability. -
Key words:
- Narrative education /
- Nursing intern /
- Humanistic care
表 1 实习生关怀能力评价[($ \bar x \pm s $),分,n =159]
Table 1. Evaluation of interns' caring ability [($ \bar x \pm s $),points,n =159]
维度 干预前 干预后 t P 认知 62.25±6.92 68.43±5.88 −8.584 <0.001* 勇气 68.34±7.80 70.67±8.02 −2.636 0.009* 耐心 47.12±6.15 48.69±6.28 −2.275 0.024* 总分 177.70±16.77 187.78±17.24 −5.379 <0.001* *P < 0.05。 表 2 叙事教育干预后研究对象关怀能力的亚组分析[($ \bar x \pm s $),分,n =159]
Table 2. Subgroup analysis of caring ability of study subjects after narrative education intervention [($ \bar x \pm s $),points,n =159]
一般情况(%) 认知 勇气 耐心 总分 t / P 性别 男(15.7)
0.048*学历 全日制本科(59.7)
0.004*家庭关系 和睦(81.1)
0.001*实习过程 顺利(37.1)
0.05*P < 0.05。 -
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